Larissa, Lara or "Tia Lali", is the founder and co-owner of Lara's Daycare. Her dream is to provide children a home-like environment where they can learn and grow at the same time as they feel safe and loved.
Rafael, or Tio Rafa as the little ones like to call him, is co-owner of Lara's Daycare and Larissa's husband. Rafa has been caring for children on groups at our church and our cummunity along with Lara, since they moved to the Bay Area. As his own child grew older, he found himself more and more involved in the business and now he is the kids' favorite person in our program! He always has fun games and delicious foods to share with all.
Catarina, or Abuela as we know her, is Rafael's mother and she plays a huge hole in helping us in everything in our day-to-day activites. She helps us keep our place organized and clean and our minds sane! She lives in Brazil and comes visit us every summer.