We currently don't have any availability.
We work with a Wailist for the future months. If you are insterested in getting more information about our program, please fill the form below and you will receive an email with the program details.
If you want to be placed on the Waitlist, please fill this form HERE.
When the Interviews are open for the new spots, you will get notified by email.
Interviews and Tours are held by phone call then Zoom meeting. We will talk about your needs, your child's routines and overall behaviors, our group routines, our Policies, I'll show you our place and answer any questions you may still have.
Due to the high demand for our spots, after the interview, families will have one week to let us know if they would like to go ahead with the application for their child. After that, we will consider all the applications and make our decision based on the best fit for our group and for the prospect family needs. All families will be notified by email about our final decision.
Looking foward to connect with you!